Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2004. V. 42. № 1. P. 111–118
Zaichik L.I., Skibin A.P., Solov'ev S.L.
Simulation of the distribution of bubbles in a turbulent liquid using a diffusion-inertia model
A diffusion-inertia model is suggested for the description of the transport of low-inertia particles of arbitrary density in turbulent flows. Comparison with experimental data is used to demonstrate the validity of the suggested model for the calculation of the motion of bubble in a vertical pipe under different conditions of the effect of the gravity force.
Article reference:
Zaichik L.I., Skibin A.P., Solov'ev S.L. Simulation of the distribution of bubbles in a turbulent liquid using a diffusion-inertia model, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 1. P. 111
Zaichik L.I., Skibin A.P., Solov'ev S.L. Simulation of the distribution of bubbles in a turbulent liquid using a diffusion-inertia model, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 1. P. 111