Plasma Investigations
2004. V. 42. № 2. P. 208–214
Smirnov Yu.M.
Excitation of odd levels of $\mathrm{Yb}\mathrm{II}$ during collisions of electrons with ytterbium atoms
The excitation of odd levels of $\mathrm{Yb}\mathrm{II}$ during the $\mathrm{e}-\mathrm{Yb}$ collisions is experimentally investigated. Thirty one excitation cross sections of spectral lines of $\mathrm{Yb}\mathrm{II}$ at the electron energy of $50$ eV are measured. For the majority of cross sections, the dependence on the energy of exciting electrons is registered in the range of energies from $0$ to $200$ eV. The absolute values of cross sections exceed the data of preceding experiment by $30$ to $50$ times.
Article reference:
Smirnov Yu.M. Excitation of odd levels of $\mathrm{Yb}\mathrm{II}$ during collisions of electrons with ytterbium atoms, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 2. P. 208
Smirnov Yu.M. Excitation of odd levels of $\mathrm{Yb}\mathrm{II}$ during collisions of electrons with ytterbium atoms, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 2. P. 208