Plasma Investigations
2004. V. 42. № 3. P. 362–372
Repin A.Ju., Stupitsky E.L.
Plasma cluster and its interaction with an obstacle. Interaction of incident and reflected flows
A physical-and-mathematical formulation is given of the problem on the interaction between two opposing (incident and reflected) flows of plasma formed upon collision of a plasma cluster with a target. Expressions are given for determining the rates of momentum and energy transfer upon elastic collisions of particles, and the kinetic processes are investigated which define the charge composition and radiation of plasma clusters. The main features are described that are characteristic of the construction of a computational model for the calculation of the dynamic and ionization-and-optical characteristics of interacting plasma flows. Results of preliminary numerical investigations are given.
Article reference:
Repin A.Ju., Stupitsky E.L. Plasma cluster and its interaction with an obstacle. Interaction of incident and reflected flows, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 3. P. 362
Repin A.Ju., Stupitsky E.L. Plasma cluster and its interaction with an obstacle. Interaction of incident and reflected flows, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 3. P. 362