Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2004. V. 42. № 5. P. 710–714
Kiselev A.I., Akashev L.A., Kononenko V.I.
Localized states in melts of light rare-earth metals
Based on the results of analysis of the data of optical experiment, equations are suggested for the estimation of the values of electron components of surface energy and of melting heat of metal systems. The results of calculation of these components for light rare-earth metals in the liquid state are given.
Article reference:
Kiselev A.I., Akashev L.A., Kononenko V.I. Localized states in melts of light rare-earth metals, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 5. P. 710
Kiselev A.I., Akashev L.A., Kononenko V.I. Localized states in melts of light rare-earth metals, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 5. P. 710