Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2004. V. 42. № 5. P. 720–726
Panfilovich K.B., Sagadeev V.V., Golubeva I.L.
Thermal radiation of binary alloys of tin, lead, and bismuth
The absolute radiation method is used to measure the normal integral emissivity factors of liquid bismuth-lead, bismuth-tin, and tin-lead alloys at different temperatures and concentrations of metals. The measurement error ranges from $\pm5\%$ to $\pm8\%$. It is the first time that such data are obtained.
Article reference:
Panfilovich K.B., Sagadeev V.V., Golubeva I.L. Thermal radiation of binary alloys of tin, lead, and bismuth, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 5. P. 720
Panfilovich K.B., Sagadeev V.V., Golubeva I.L. Thermal radiation of binary alloys of tin, lead, and bismuth, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 5. P. 720