Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2004. V. 42. № 5. P. 785–793
Amanbaev T.R.
The dynamics and heat transfer of a droplet in a dusty gas in the presence of phase transformations and dust catching
The dynamics and heat transfer of a droplet in a mixture of gas with fine particles (dusty gas) are investigated in the presence of deposition of fine particles on the droplet (dust catching) and of phase transformations (evaporation, condensation). Separately treated is a case in which only phase transformations occur. Analytical solutions of the problem are found in the limiting cases of Stokes and Newtonian flow past a droplet (corresponding to low and high values of the Reynolds number). The combined effect of dust catching and phase transformations on the droplet motion is investigated numerically.
Article reference:
Amanbaev T.R. The dynamics and heat transfer of a droplet in a dusty gas in the presence of phase transformations and dust catching, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 5. P. 785
Amanbaev T.R. The dynamics and heat transfer of a droplet in a dusty gas in the presence of phase transformations and dust catching, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 5. P. 785