Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2004. V. 42. № 6. P. 951–960
Shagapov V.Sh., Rakhmatullin I.R., Nasyrova L.A.
On the theory of injection of moist steam into a porous medium
A plane one-dimensional problem on the injection of moist steam into a porous medium is treated. An investigation is performed of the effect of the parameters, which define the initial state of the porous medium, boundary pressure, temperature, and moisture content of steam, on the rate of propagation of hydrodynamic and temperature fields in the porous medium.
Article reference:
Shagapov V.Sh., Rakhmatullin I.R., Nasyrova L.A. On the theory of injection of moist steam into a porous medium, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 6. P. 951
Shagapov V.Sh., Rakhmatullin I.R., Nasyrova L.A. On the theory of injection of moist steam into a porous medium, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 6. P. 951