Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2003. V. 41. № 1. P. 62–67
Varaksin A.Yu., Ivanov T.F.
Investigation of the behavior of reflected particles under conditions of heterogeneous flow past blunt bodies
The results are given of an experimental investigation of the velocity of large particles of glass in the vicinity of a blunt body subjected to a heterogeneous flow. The particle inertia varies from $\mathrm{Stk}_f=10.5$ to $\mathrm{Stk}_f=82$. The velocity distribution is obtained for particles of different "forms," such as incident, reflected from the model, reprecipitating on the surface, and so on. The dependence of the size of the region of existence of reflected particles on the inertia of the dispersed phase is determined.
Article reference:
Varaksin A.Yu., Ivanov T.F. Investigation of the behavior of reflected particles under conditions of heterogeneous flow past blunt bodies, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 1. P. 62
Varaksin A.Yu., Ivanov T.F. Investigation of the behavior of reflected particles under conditions of heterogeneous flow past blunt bodies, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 1. P. 62