Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2003. V. 41. № 2. P. 210–215
Alchagirov B.B., Shamparov T.M., Mozgovoi A.G.
Experimental investigation of the density of molten lead-bismuth eutectic
The density of molten $\mathrm{Pb}$–$\mathrm{Bi}$ eutectic is measured by the pycnometer method in a temperature range of $410$–$726$ K. The confidence of error of measurement, made up by the systematic and random components, does not exceed $0.1\%$. The experimental results are compared with the experimental data on the density of a liquid lead-bismuth alloy of eutectic composition available in the literature.
Article reference:
Alchagirov B.B., Shamparov T.M., Mozgovoi A.G. Experimental investigation of the density of molten lead-bismuth eutectic, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 2. P. 210
Alchagirov B.B., Shamparov T.M., Mozgovoi A.G. Experimental investigation of the density of molten lead-bismuth eutectic, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 2. P. 210