Short Communications
2013. V. 51. № 6. P. 873–875
Gubaidullin D.A., Zaripov R.G., Tkachenko L.A.
Experimental study of aerosol oscillations in an open tube in the shock-free wave mode
Forced longitudinal oscillations of a finely dispersed aerosol in an open tube in the shock-free wave mode near the first fundamental frequency have been studied experimentally. The time dependences of the numerical concentration of the aerosol droplets have been obtained. The effect of the frequency and amplitudes of the excitation on the aerosol clearing, which consists of coagulation, sedimentation on the tube walls, and partial ejection of the aerosol droplets from the open end of the tube, has been studied. It has been shown that the process of aerosol clearing occurs $6$–$12$ times more efficiently than natural sedimentation.
Article reference:
Gubaidullin D.A., Zaripov R.G., Tkachenko L.A. Experimental study of aerosol oscillations in an open tube in the shock-free wave mode, High Temp., 2013. V. 51. № 6. P. 873
Gubaidullin D.A., Zaripov R.G., Tkachenko L.A. Experimental study of aerosol oscillations in an open tube in the shock-free wave mode, High Temp., 2013. V. 51. № 6. P. 873