Plasma Investigations
2003. V. 41. № 3. P. 290–294
Nazarenko I.P., Nikrityuk P.A.
The effect of the arc channel on the transport properties of hydrogen electric-arc plasma
The dependence of the coefficients of electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity on the arc channel diameter ($1$, $3$, $5$ mm) and temperature on the arc axis ($15000$, $20000$, $22000$ K) is investigated for the asymptotic region of the arc at subsonic plasma velocities using a numerical calculation method.
Article reference:
Nazarenko I.P., Nikrityuk P.A. The effect of the arc channel on the transport properties of hydrogen electric-arc plasma, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 3. P. 290
Nazarenko I.P., Nikrityuk P.A. The effect of the arc channel on the transport properties of hydrogen electric-arc plasma, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 3. P. 290