Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2003. V. 41. № 3. P. 399–403
Antipin V.A., Zaichik L.I., Zeigarnik Yu.A., Markovich D.M., Solov'ev S.L., Stonik O.G., Kharlamov S.M., Cherdantsev A.V.
The development of a three-fluid model of two-phase flow for dispersed-annular mode of flow in channels: Film thickness and pressure drop
This paper is a continuation of the papers [1, 2] dealing with the development of a three-fluid model of a two-phase medium for the dispersed-annular mode of flow. Calculations and experiments are performed to determine the liquid film thickness and the pressure drop.
Article reference:
Antipin V.A., Zaichik L.I., Zeigarnik Yu.A., Markovich D.M., Solov'ev S.L., Stonik O.G., Kharlamov S.M., Cherdantsev A.V. The development of a three-fluid model of two-phase flow for dispersed-annular mode of flow in channels: Film thickness and pressure drop, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 3. P. 399
Antipin V.A., Zaichik L.I., Zeigarnik Yu.A., Markovich D.M., Solov'ev S.L., Stonik O.G., Kharlamov S.M., Cherdantsev A.V. The development of a three-fluid model of two-phase flow for dispersed-annular mode of flow in channels: Film thickness and pressure drop, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 3. P. 399