Plasma Investigations
2003. V. 41. № 5. P. 571–575
Smirnov Yu.M.
Cross sections of excitation of singlet $F$-series of barium atom by electron impact
The excitation of singlet $F$-levels of barium atom by electron impact is experimentally studied. Manifestations of strong perturbations in the $6s5d^1D_2-6snf^1F_3^\circ$ spectral series are observed. The dependence of the excitation cross sections on the principal quantum number of the upper level in the $6s5d^1D_2-5dnp^1F_3^\circ$ spectral series follows the power law in the range $n=6-8$. The obtained results are compared with those of the previous experiment.
Article reference:
Smirnov Yu.M. Cross sections of excitation of singlet $F$-series of barium atom by electron impact, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 5. P. 571
Smirnov Yu.M. Cross sections of excitation of singlet $F$-series of barium atom by electron impact, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 5. P. 571