Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2002. V. 40. № 2. P. 222–227
Bazhenova T.V., Bormotova T.A., Golub V.V., Kotel'nikov A.L., Chizhikov A.S., Shcherbak S.B.
Three-Dimensional Effects and the Interaction between an Obstacle and a Shock Wave Discharged from a Channel
The results are given of experimental and numerical investigations of the total pressure across a stagnation shock in the flow behind a shock wave discharged from open ends of round and square channels. It is found that the loss of total pressure behind a stagnation wave before an obstacle when discharged from a square channel exceeds that in the case of a round channel. The observed effect is attributed to the fact that, when a shock wave is discharged from a square channel, the flow separation occurs at a greater angle, which is accompanied by an increase in the Mach number of the flow.
Article reference:
Bazhenova T.V., Bormotova T.A., Golub V.V., Kotel'nikov A.L., Chizhikov A.S., Shcherbak S.B. Three-Dimensional Effects and the Interaction between an Obstacle and a Shock Wave Discharged from a Channel, High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 2. P. 222
Bazhenova T.V., Bormotova T.A., Golub V.V., Kotel'nikov A.L., Chizhikov A.S., Shcherbak S.B. Three-Dimensional Effects and the Interaction between an Obstacle and a Shock Wave Discharged from a Channel, High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 2. P. 222