Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2002. V. 40. № 2. P. 264–271
Avdeev A.A., Zudin Yu.B.
Thermal Energy Scheme of Vapor Bubble Growth (Universal Approximate Solution)
A universal analytical solution of the problem on heat input-controlled growth of a vapor bubble in a large volume of uniformly superheated liquid is obtained for the first time. The derived final formula provides for the desired limiting transitions and agrees well with the numerical results of Scriven for the entire possible range of variation of the determining parameters. It is demonstrated that the radial flow of liquid through the interface intensifies the heat input, which brings about an increase in the rate of bubble growth. The results of analysis lead one to conclude that none of the known particular solutions is capable of correctly describing the dependence of the modulus of the bubble growth rate on Jakob's number and on the density ratio of the phases.
Article reference:
Avdeev A.A., Zudin Yu.B. Thermal Energy Scheme of Vapor Bubble Growth (Universal Approximate Solution), High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 2. P. 264
Avdeev A.A., Zudin Yu.B. Thermal Energy Scheme of Vapor Bubble Growth (Universal Approximate Solution), High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 2. P. 264