Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2015. V. 53. № 6. P. 823–828
Kozlovskiy Yu.M., Stankus S.V.
Thermal expansion of gadolinium in the region of magnetic phase transitions
The results of dilatometer investigation of the linear thermal expansion coefficient of gadolinium in the temperature range of $110$–$590$ K are presented. The measurement error equals $(1.5$–$2.0) \times 10^{–7}$ K$^{–1}$. The approximation dependences of this coefficient and the reference tables are obtained. Character of the linear thermal expansion coefficient change in the region of the spin-reorientation magnetic transition and the Curie point are established. Critical exponents and critical amplitudes of the linear thermal expansion coefficient are determined. It is shown that, both above and below the Curie temperature, it is not possible to fit the experimental data using one scaling equation. A comparison with the published data is performed.
Article reference:
Kozlovskiy Yu.M., Stankus S.V. Thermal expansion of gadolinium in the region of magnetic phase transitions, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 6. P. 823
Kozlovskiy Yu.M., Stankus S.V. Thermal expansion of gadolinium in the region of magnetic phase transitions, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 6. P. 823