Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2002. V. 40. № 3. P. 387–398
Avramenko A.A.
The Properties of Symmetry and Self–Similarity of Equations of Convective Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamics
Analysis of symmetries and respective self-similar forms for the set of Navier–Stokes and Fourier–Kirchhoff equations is performed, which makes it possible to reduce the order of equations and to obtain analytical solutions for a number of concrete problems of flow and heat transfer under the effect of free convection.
Article reference:
Avramenko A.A. The Properties of Symmetry and Self–Similarity of Equations of Convective Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamics, High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 3. P. 387
Avramenko A.A. The Properties of Symmetry and Self–Similarity of Equations of Convective Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamics, High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 3. P. 387