Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2001. V. 39. № 1. P. 93–96
Nikitin E.D., Pavlov P.A., Popov A.P.
Temperature of attainable superheating of some commercial petroleum products
Measurements of the temperature of attainable superheating of A-76L and Al-93 motor gasolines; L-0.5–40, L-0.2–40, and Z-0.5–35 diesel oils; TS-1 and RT jet propellants; and T-1500 transformer oil are performed by the method of pulsed heating of a wire probe placed into the liquid under study. The rate of increase of the probe temperature is $10^5$–$10^7$ K/s. The pressure varies from atmospheric to near-critical. The temperature of attainable superheating of rocket propellants is also calculated by the theory of homogeneous nucleation. A conclusion is made that, if the thermal properties of a concrete batch of petroleum products are known, the theory of homogeneous nucleation provides a fairly accurate estimate of the temperature of attainable superheating of substances with so complex a composition.
Article reference:
Nikitin E.D., Pavlov P.A., Popov A.P. Temperature of attainable superheating of some commercial petroleum products, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 1. P. 93
Nikitin E.D., Pavlov P.A., Popov A.P. Temperature of attainable superheating of some commercial petroleum products, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 1. P. 93