Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2002. V. 40. № 5. P. 660–664
Stankus S.V., Tyagel'skii P.V.
Electronic Phase Transition in Liquid Samarium
The irradiating of samples by a narrow beam of monochromatic gamma-rays with an energy of $662$ keV is used to experimentally investigate the temperature and phase variations of the density of solid and liquid samarium $(99.935\%)$ in the temperature range from $293$ to $1920$ K. The results of measurements are presented in the form of tables. Density changes in structural transformations and melting are determined $(1.70 \pm 0.15\%)$. The existence of a nonlinear dependence of the density of samarium in the liquid state is confirmed. Based on the obtained data and on the data available in the literature, a conclusion is made concerning the occurrence of electronic transformations in samarium during melting and thermal expansion in the liquid state.
Article reference:
Stankus S.V., Tyagel'skii P.V. Electronic Phase Transition in Liquid Samarium, High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 5. P. 660
Stankus S.V., Tyagel'skii P.V. Electronic Phase Transition in Liquid Samarium, High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 5. P. 660