Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2001. V. 39. № 4. P. 567–577
Alekseev B.V., Mikhailov V.V.
Generalized hydrodynamic equations: Application to the investigation of gas flows in channels with a step
Generalized hydrodynamic equations, which include explicitly the Kolmogorov fluctuations of hydrodynamic quantities, are used for mathematical simulation of vortex gas flows. The calculations are performed in the range of Reynolds number values from 64 to 10000 for two-dimensional unsteady nonisothermal flow of compressible gas in a channel with a step.
Article reference:
Alekseev B.V., Mikhailov V.V. Generalized hydrodynamic equations: Application to the investigation of gas flows in channels with a step, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 4. P. 567
Alekseev B.V., Mikhailov V.V. Generalized hydrodynamic equations: Application to the investigation of gas flows in channels with a step, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 4. P. 567