Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2002. V. 40. № 5. P. 716–722
Alipchenkov V.M., Zaichik L.I., Zeigarnik Yu.A., Solov'ev S.L., Stonik O.G.
The Development of a Three-Fluid Model of Two-Phase Flow for Dispersed-Annular Mode of Flow in Channels: Deposition and Entrainment of Droplets
This paper is a continuation of the paper [1] dealing with the development of a three-fluid model of a two-phase medium for a dispersed-annular mode of flow. The processes of deposition of droplets from the flow core and of entrainment of droplets from liquid film are treated.
Article reference:
Alipchenkov V.M., Zaichik L.I., Zeigarnik Yu.A., Solov'ev S.L., Stonik O.G. The Development of a Three-Fluid Model of Two-Phase Flow for Dispersed-Annular Mode of Flow in Channels: Deposition and Entrainment of Droplets, High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 5. P. 716
Alipchenkov V.M., Zaichik L.I., Zeigarnik Yu.A., Solov'ev S.L., Stonik O.G. The Development of a Three-Fluid Model of Two-Phase Flow for Dispersed-Annular Mode of Flow in Channels: Deposition and Entrainment of Droplets, High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 5. P. 716