
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2002. V. 40. № 5. P. 734–738
Kusharin A.Yu., Agafonov G.L., Popov O.E., Gel'fand B.E.
Inhibition of the Combustion of Hydrogen–Air Mixtures Containing Steam and Water Aerosol
A procedure is suggested, which enables one to form in the central part of a combustion chamber a cloud of mixture containing hydrogen, air, steam, and water aerosol (fog) both at room temperature and at temperatures of up to $373$ K. The results of measurement of the effect of condensation aerosol on the flame velocity in the above-mentioned two-phase mixtures with the stoichiometric relation between the fuel and oxidant are presented. The possibility of enhancing the inhibition effect of water on the flame by partially replacing steam in the original mixture by finely dispersed drops is demonstrated experimentally. The size of aerosol drops is estimated on the basis of data on the time of evaporation of drops of given size in the zone of combustion wave heating.
Article reference:
Kusharin A.Yu., Agafonov G.L., Popov O.E., Gel'fand B.E. Inhibition of the Combustion of Hydrogen–Air Mixtures Containing Steam and Water Aerosol, High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 5. P. 734