Plasma Investigations
2001. V. 39. № 6. P. 789–793
Asinovskii E.I., Oleinikova E.N., Khomkin A.L.
Van der Waals model of thermal dusty plasma
A van der Waals model of dusty plasma is suggested, which enables one to determine the phase diagram of a system of dust particles with free boundaries in thermal plasma.
Article reference:
Asinovskii E.I., Oleinikova E.N., Khomkin A.L. Van der Waals model of thermal dusty plasma, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 6. P. 789
Asinovskii E.I., Oleinikova E.N., Khomkin A.L. Van der Waals model of thermal dusty plasma, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 6. P. 789