Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2001. V. 39. № 6. P. 905–911
Amirkhanyan N.V., Cherkasov S.G.
Theoretical analysis and procedure for the calculation of thermophysical processes occurring in a cryogenic vessel under conditions of nonvented storage
A theoretical analysis is made of the processes which define the rate of pressure rise in a vessel with cryogenic liquid under conditions of nonvented storage. Different methods of the calculation of pressure are treated. The determining part played by thermal stratification in the liquid phase is demonstrated. A new procedure is suggested for the calculation of pressure and thermal stratification in a liquid.
Article reference:
Amirkhanyan N.V., Cherkasov S.G. Theoretical analysis and procedure for the calculation of thermophysical processes occurring in a cryogenic vessel under conditions of nonvented storage, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 6. P. 905
Amirkhanyan N.V., Cherkasov S.G. Theoretical analysis and procedure for the calculation of thermophysical processes occurring in a cryogenic vessel under conditions of nonvented storage, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 6. P. 905