
Short Communications
2016. V. 54. № 5. P. 771–774
Gusarov A.V.
Dissociation energy of a $\rm Sc_2$ molecule
The $-(G^{\circ}(T) - H^{\circ}(0))/T$ Gibbs energy functions have been calculated for $\rm Sc_2$ at $T = 2000$ K in the context of recent data on the low-lying electron states for this kind of molecules. In particular, some recent experimental results on the vapor composition over scandium are presented in this study. The data on the measured scandium vapor composition have been processed using the evaluated Gibbs energy function values. The advised dissociation energy value for $\rm Sc_2$ is found to be $(\rm Sc_2) = 7750 \pm 1750$ cm$^{–1}$.
Article reference:
Gusarov A.V. Dissociation energy of a $\rm Sc_2$ molecule, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 5. P. 771