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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2015. V. 53. № 2. P. 254–258
Kuznetsov G.V., Kuibin P.A., Strizhack P.A.
Estimation of the numerical values of the evaporation constants of water droplets moving in a flow of high-temperature gases
As the result of the experiments on liquid (water) drop movement in a high temperature (above 1000 K) gas flow performed using the optical diagnostics of the two-phase and heterogeneous gas-vapor–liquid mixtures, the integral characteristics (the mass rates) of the drop evaporation process are determined. From the experimental values of these characteristics, the constants of the liquid drop evaporation in a high-pressure gas medium on the basis of the known heat and mass transfer models are calculated.
Article reference:
Kuznetsov G.V., Kuibin P.A., Strizhack P.A. Estimation of the numerical values of the evaporation constants of water droplets moving in a flow of high-temperature gases, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 2. P. 254