Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2000. V. 38. № 2. P. 249–253
Skokov V.N., Koverda V.P.
Flicker noise during transition to critical boiling on a nonlinear heater
Experimental results are given of studies into intense heat pulsations with a spectral density inversely proportional to frequency during transition to the local crisis of nitrogen boiling on the surface of current-carrying films of high-temperature superconductors. A theoretical model is suggested of the rise of fluctuations with $1/f$ spectrum during interaction of intersecting phase transitions in concentrated systems.
Article reference:
Skokov V.N., Koverda V.P. Flicker noise during transition to critical boiling on a nonlinear heater, High Temp., 2000. V. 38. № 2. P. 249
Skokov V.N., Koverda V.P. Flicker noise during transition to critical boiling on a nonlinear heater, High Temp., 2000. V. 38. № 2. P. 249