Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2002. V. 40. № 6. P. 919–925
Nakorchevskii A.I.
Abrupt Outflow of Boiling Liquid
Analysis is performed of heat and mass transfer and dynamic processes under conditions of abrupt loss of vacuum of the liquid circuit with subsequent adiabatic vaporization. Two stages of unsteady-state outflow are treated, namely, the propagation of a pressure wave along the circuit and the transition to the steady-state mode. The phase velocities, interphase heat and mass transfer, and the interphase forces due to the velocity disequilibrium and the effect of associated masses are taken into account and directly calculated at both stages.
Article reference:
Nakorchevskii A.I. Abrupt Outflow of Boiling Liquid, High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 6. P. 919
Nakorchevskii A.I. Abrupt Outflow of Boiling Liquid, High Temp., 2002. V. 40. № 6. P. 919