Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2015. V. 53. № 5. P. 658–667
Mirskaya V.A., Ibavov N.V., Nazarevich D.A.
Experimental investigation of the isochoric heat capacity of the n-heptane–water binary system
On an automated experimental facility established on the basis of a high-temperature adiabatic calorimeter, we investigate the temperature dependence of the isochoric heat capacity of the n-heptane–water binary immiscible system containing $0.147$ molar fraction of water, within the density range of $146.0$–$469.6$ kg/m$^3$ and the temperature range of $428.15$–$553.15$ K, including the phase transition domain.
Article reference:
Mirskaya V.A., Ibavov N.V., Nazarevich D.A. Experimental investigation of the isochoric heat capacity of the n-heptane–water binary system, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 5. P. 658
Mirskaya V.A., Ibavov N.V., Nazarevich D.A. Experimental investigation of the isochoric heat capacity of the n-heptane–water binary system, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 5. P. 658