Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2000. V. 38. № 4. P. 629–635
Kuznetsov G.V., Rudzinskii V.P.
High-temperature heat and mass transfer in a layer of coke of heat-shielding materials
The model including the structure inhomogeneity of the coke of a typical "charring" heat-shielding material (HSM) is used to investigate the process of high-temperature heat and mass transfer in a layer of HSM coke. The scales are determined of temperature nonequilibrium between condensed and gaseous products of thermal decomposition of HSM under conditions of high (above 1000 K) temperatures of the environment. It is demonstrated that, in solving numerous problems associated with heat shielding, it is appropriate to employ models including the temperature nonequilibrium of the gas and condensed phases of HSM coke.
Article reference:
Kuznetsov G.V., Rudzinskii V.P. High-temperature heat and mass transfer in a layer of coke of heat-shielding materials, High Temp., 2000. V. 38. № 4. P. 629
Kuznetsov G.V., Rudzinskii V.P. High-temperature heat and mass transfer in a layer of coke of heat-shielding materials, High Temp., 2000. V. 38. № 4. P. 629