Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2000. V. 38. № 5. P. 759–763
Skokov V.N., Reshetnikov A.V., Koverda V.P.
Self-organization of critical fluctuations and $1/f$ spectra under conditions of critical boiling
The results are given of an experimental investigation of the dynamics of vaporization under conditions of changing modes of water boiling on a platinum wire heater and with local Joule heating of aqueous electrolytic solutions. It is found that thermal fluctuations with spectral characteristics inversely proportional to frequency (flicker or $1/f$ noise) are generated under conditions of film boiling on a vertically oriented heater in a wide range of loads. In the region of loss of stability of film boiling, frequency spectra vary in inverse proportion to the square of the frequency. In experiments in Joule heating of aqueous electrolytes, the flicker noise is observed in the region of changing modes of vapor generation. The experimental results are indicative of the self-organization of the critical behavior of the system in the case of nonequilibrium phase transitions.
Article reference:
Skokov V.N., Reshetnikov A.V., Koverda V.P. Self-organization of critical fluctuations and $1/f$ spectra under conditions of critical boiling, High Temp., 2000. V. 38. № 5. P. 759
Skokov V.N., Reshetnikov A.V., Koverda V.P. Self-organization of critical fluctuations and $1/f$ spectra under conditions of critical boiling, High Temp., 2000. V. 38. № 5. P. 759