Plasma Investigations
2011. V. 49. № 1. P. 22–26
Petrin A.B.
Singularity of the Electric Field at the Wetting Line of a Dielectric Surface
An electric field is considered in the vicinity of the wetting line of a dielectric plate of a conducting or a dielectric liquid. It is shown that the electric field is, at the wetting line, a feature where the modulus of the field tends to infinity when the distance from the wetting line tends to zero. At a wetting angle differing from zero, the giving feature is integrated, and the full volume and density of electric energy remain finite. The results of calculations make it possible to conclude that the singularity of the electric field exists at any wetting angles differing from zero and $180$ degrees, as well as at any positive values of dielectric permeabilities.
Article reference:
Petrin A.B. Singularity of the Electric Field at the Wetting Line of a Dielectric Surface, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 1. P. 22
Petrin A.B. Singularity of the Electric Field at the Wetting Line of a Dielectric Surface, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 1. P. 22