Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2011. V. 49. № 1. P. 81–91
Zinchenko V.I., Efimov K.N., Yakimov A.S.
Calculation of the Characteristics of Conjugate Heat–Mass Exchange under Spatial Flow of a Blunt Body with the Use of a Combined Heat Protection System
A three-dimensional problem of conjugate heat–mass exchange (HME) under a high-enthalpy flow of a spherically blunted cone is analyzed theoretically with regard to the gas injection from the surface of a hemisphere, nonequilibrium chemical reactions in the boundary layer (BL), and thermochemical destruction in the screened zone. Controlled intense injection of a cooling gas during the flight of a body along a ballistic trajectory guarantees that the permeable blunting fabricated with the use of porous metals is not destroyed.
Article reference:
Zinchenko V.I., Efimov K.N., Yakimov A.S. Calculation of the Characteristics of Conjugate Heat–Mass Exchange under Spatial Flow of a Blunt Body with the Use of a Combined Heat Protection System, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 1. P. 81
Zinchenko V.I., Efimov K.N., Yakimov A.S. Calculation of the Characteristics of Conjugate Heat–Mass Exchange under Spatial Flow of a Blunt Body with the Use of a Combined Heat Protection System, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 1. P. 81