Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2011. V. 49. № 1. P. 116–122
Nazarov A.D., Serov A.F., Terekhov V.I.
Structure of Pulse Dispersed Jet upon Change in Its Frequency Characteristics
Intensities of heat and mass transfer for continuous and pulse spray in interaction with the vertical surface of a heat exchanger differ considerably from one another when the time-averaged spraying rate [1–6] is kept constant. This difference is determined by characteristic properties of gas-drop flows of continuous and pulse sprays and their interaction with the heat-exchanging surface. Results of experimental studies of basic hydrodynamic parameters of pulse drop flow are presented: velocity and drop size dispersions, spectral characteristics of the kinetic energy of the spray at various distances from the source, and influence of the gas concurrent flow on these parameters. A difference in the heat transfer is shown upon variation of the pulse drop flow parameters from the heat transfer at the stationary supply of spray.
Article reference:
Nazarov A.D., Serov A.F., Terekhov V.I. Structure of Pulse Dispersed Jet upon Change in Its Frequency Characteristics, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 1. P. 116
Nazarov A.D., Serov A.F., Terekhov V.I. Structure of Pulse Dispersed Jet upon Change in Its Frequency Characteristics, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 1. P. 116