Plasma Investigations
1997. V. 35. № 4. P. 514–527
Akhmedzhanov R.A., Vikharev A.L., Gorbachev A.M., Ivanov O.A., Kolysko A.L.
Investigation of the processes of destruction of freon-113 in a nanosecond corona discharge
Article reference:
Akhmedzhanov R.A., Vikharev A.L., Gorbachev A.M., Ivanov O.A., Kolysko A.L. Investigation of the processes of destruction of freon-113 in a nanosecond corona discharge, High Temp., 1997. V. 35. № 4. P. 514
Akhmedzhanov R.A., Vikharev A.L., Gorbachev A.M., Ivanov O.A., Kolysko A.L. Investigation of the processes of destruction of freon-113 in a nanosecond corona discharge, High Temp., 1997. V. 35. № 4. P. 514