Plasma Investigations
1998. V. 36. № 2. P. 169–175
Grishin Yu.M., Kozlov N.P., Kuznetsov V.V.
Singularities of spectral-brightness characteristics of pulsed radiating surface discharges in dense gases
Article reference:
Grishin Yu.M., Kozlov N.P., Kuznetsov V.V. Singularities of spectral-brightness characteristics of pulsed radiating surface discharges in dense gases, High Temp., 1998. V. 36. № 2. P. 169
Grishin Yu.M., Kozlov N.P., Kuznetsov V.V. Singularities of spectral-brightness characteristics of pulsed radiating surface discharges in dense gases, High Temp., 1998. V. 36. № 2. P. 169