Short Communications
1996. V. 34. № 1. P. 148–151
Berenskii L.L., Ivanovskii M.N., Loginov N.I., Mikheev A.S., Morozov V.A., Shimkevich A.L.
Investigation of wetting the surface of Kh18N10T (chromel–nickel–titanium) steel surface by liquid sodium
Article reference:
Berenskii L.L., Ivanovskii M.N., Loginov N.I., Mikheev A.S., Morozov V.A., Shimkevich A.L. Investigation of wetting the surface of Kh18N10T (chromel–nickel–titanium) steel surface by liquid sodium, High Temp., 1996. V. 34. № 1. P. 148
Berenskii L.L., Ivanovskii M.N., Loginov N.I., Mikheev A.S., Morozov V.A., Shimkevich A.L. Investigation of wetting the surface of Kh18N10T (chromel–nickel–titanium) steel surface by liquid sodium, High Temp., 1996. V. 34. № 1. P. 148