Short Communications
2015. V. 53. № 2. P. 302–304
Bel'tyukov A.L., Shishmarin A.I., Lad'yanov V.I.
Viscosity of $\mathrm{Fe}_{90}\mathrm{B}_x\mathrm{Si}_{(10-x)}$ melts
The temperature dependences of the viscosity of liquid $\mathrm{Fe}_{90}\mathrm{B}_x\mathrm{Si}_{(10-x)}$ alloys are studied in the mode of heating and subsequent cooling. The temperature dependences of the viscosity of melts obtained during heating and cooling coincide (no hysteresis), are monotonic, and can be described by the exponential Arrhenius equation. The concentration dependence of the viscosity of a quasi-binary $\mathrm{Fe}_{90}\mathrm{B}_{10}$–$\mathrm{Fe}_{90}\mathrm{Si}_{10}$ system is obtained. When the silicon atoms are replaced by boron atoms, the melt viscosity values remain practically unchanged.
Article reference:
Bel'tyukov A.L., Shishmarin A.I., Lad'yanov V.I. Viscosity of $\mathrm{Fe}_{90}\mathrm{B}_x\mathrm{Si}_{(10-x)}$ melts, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 2. P. 302
Bel'tyukov A.L., Shishmarin A.I., Lad'yanov V.I. Viscosity of $\mathrm{Fe}_{90}\mathrm{B}_x\mathrm{Si}_{(10-x)}$ melts, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 2. P. 302