Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2011. V. 49. № 2. P. 227–235
Kirsanov Yu.A., Nazipov R.A., Danilov V.A.
Heat Transfer between a Porous Body and a Single-Phase Flow of the Heat Carrier
Formulas for the effective transfer coefficients in a highly porous structure, as well as a method for estimating the fraction of heat removed from the wall by the frame, are proposed. An analytical model of thermophysical processes in a porous cylinder heated by an external energy source is constructed. The adequacy of the model constructed is verified by calculating the thermal state of porous cylinders made of different materials.
Article reference:
Kirsanov Yu.A., Nazipov R.A., Danilov V.A. Heat Transfer between a Porous Body and a Single-Phase Flow of the Heat Carrier, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 2. P. 227
Kirsanov Yu.A., Nazipov R.A., Danilov V.A. Heat Transfer between a Porous Body and a Single-Phase Flow of the Heat Carrier, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 2. P. 227