Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
1995. V. 33. № 1. P. 72–75
Paderin I.M., Ermakov G.V., Guletskaya I.F.
The kinetics of boiling up of a superheated liquid during the conditioning of an initiating surface
Article reference:
Paderin I.M., Ermakov G.V., Guletskaya I.F. The kinetics of boiling up of a superheated liquid during the conditioning of an initiating surface, High Temp., 1995. V. 33. № 1. P. 72
Paderin I.M., Ermakov G.V., Guletskaya I.F. The kinetics of boiling up of a superheated liquid during the conditioning of an initiating surface, High Temp., 1995. V. 33. № 1. P. 72