Plasma Investigations
1992. V. 30. № 2. P. 181–186
Protasov Yu.S., Chuvashev S.N., Shchepanyuk T.S., Kutyrev M.V.
Turbulent modification and the tTransport properties of plasma-dynamic discharges in the vacuum ultraviolet
Article reference:
Protasov Yu.S., Chuvashev S.N., Shchepanyuk T.S., Kutyrev M.V. Turbulent modification and the tTransport properties of plasma-dynamic discharges in the vacuum ultraviolet, High Temp., 1992. V. 30. № 2. P. 181
Protasov Yu.S., Chuvashev S.N., Shchepanyuk T.S., Kutyrev M.V. Turbulent modification and the tTransport properties of plasma-dynamic discharges in the vacuum ultraviolet, High Temp., 1992. V. 30. № 2. P. 181