Thermophysical Properties of Materials
1990. V. 28. № 6. P. 864–869
Rudnyi E.B., Kuznetsova O.V., Kaibicheva E.A., Sidorov L.N.
Determination of the electron affinity of PtO2 by the method of ionic-molecular equilibrium
Article reference:
Rudnyi E.B., Kuznetsova O.V., Kaibicheva E.A., Sidorov L.N. Determination of the electron affinity of PtO2 by the method of ionic-molecular equilibrium, High Temp., 1990. V. 28. № 6. P. 864
Rudnyi E.B., Kuznetsova O.V., Kaibicheva E.A., Sidorov L.N. Determination of the electron affinity of PtO2 by the method of ionic-molecular equilibrium, High Temp., 1990. V. 28. № 6. P. 864