Thermophysical Properties of Materials
1991. V. 29. № 1. P. 63–67
Kalinin A.P., Leonas V.B., Rodionova I.P.
Calculating high-temperature transfer coefficients on the basis of effective interaction potentials of atomic particles
For the collisions of atoms and molecules interacting with respect to several potential- energy surfaces, the concept of the effective potential is introduced. It gives a description of the elastic-scattering picture observed experimentally. In the present work, the possibility of using this effective interaction potential to calculate the high-temperature properties of dissociating gases is quantitatively analyzed. It is shown for the example of $\rm H(^1\rm S)$–$\rm H(^1\rm S)$ and $\rm O(^3\rm P)$–$\rm O(^3\rm P)$ that the error in determining the collision integrals for the temperature range $2000$–$20{,}000$ К reaches $10\%$ for the first system but is no greater than $3$–$6\%$ for the second.
Article reference:
Kalinin A.P., Leonas V.B., Rodionova I.P. Calculating high-temperature transfer coefficients on the basis of effective interaction potentials of atomic particles, High Temp., 1991. V. 29. № 1. P. 63
Kalinin A.P., Leonas V.B., Rodionova I.P. Calculating high-temperature transfer coefficients on the basis of effective interaction potentials of atomic particles, High Temp., 1991. V. 29. № 1. P. 63