Thermophysical Properties of Materials
1991. V. 29. № 1. P. 75–79
Kurumov D.S.
Equation of state of n-hexane within a broad region of the critical point
The scale equation of state of n-hexane, describing its thermodynamic properties in the parameter ranges 0.64<ρ/ρC<1.39; 0.992<T/TC<1.23 with an error close to the experimental error, is obtained from a combined analysis of P,v,T- and CP-data. Here, the values of the critical indices were taken to be equal to their theoretical estimates.
Article reference:
Kurumov D.S. Equation of state of n-hexane within a broad region of the critical point, High Temp., 1991. V. 29. № 1. P. 75
Kurumov D.S. Equation of state of n-hexane within a broad region of the critical point, High Temp., 1991. V. 29. № 1. P. 75