Thermophysical Properties of Materials
1991. V. 29. № 1. P. 89–95
Fokin L.R., Chekhovskoi V.Ya.
hermal expansion of molybdenum in the temperature range 0K – Tmt
Experimental data on the thermal expansion of molybdenum is analyzed and the errors of the results are estimated. A nonlinear least squares procedure is used to obtain a single expression which approximates all of the data in the interval 0 К – Tmt. The expression has a kernel in the form of a rational fractional function. Reference tables of the actual and mean coefficients of thermal expansion of molybdenum are calculated and the errors of these values are estimated.
Article reference:
Fokin L.R., Chekhovskoi V.Ya. hermal expansion of molybdenum in the temperature range 0K – Tmt, High Temp., 1991. V. 29. № 1. P. 89
Fokin L.R., Chekhovskoi V.Ya. hermal expansion of molybdenum in the temperature range 0K – Tmt, High Temp., 1991. V. 29. № 1. P. 89