Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2012. V. 50. № 6. P. 739–743
Leont'ev A.I., Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S.
Temperature stratification under suction of the boundary layer from a supersonic flow
A carried out numerical simulation showed that a considerable difference can be achieved between the temperatures of a gas in the boundary layer and a suctioned gas under the gas suction from a turbulent boundary layer in a supersonic flow on a permeable surface. The effect of the Prandtl and Mach numbers of the incident flux on the temperature stratification, which depends on the gas suction intensity, is studied. The stratification is the most pronounced for low-Prandtl-number gases. It was established that, due to laminarization of the boundary layer under an intense gas suction, in the region of the impermeable plate following the permeable wall, the wall temperature drops abruptly.
Article reference:
Leont'ev A.I., Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S. Temperature stratification under suction of the boundary layer from a supersonic flow, High Temp., 2012. V. 50. № 6. P. 739
Leont'ev A.I., Lushchik V.G., Makarova M.S. Temperature stratification under suction of the boundary layer from a supersonic flow, High Temp., 2012. V. 50. № 6. P. 739