Plasma Investigations
2011. V. 49. № 4. P. 479–486
Efimov B.G., Ivanov V.V., Inshakov S.I., Skvotsov V.V., Starodubtsev M.A.
Investigation of Formation of a Spatial Position of Longitudinal Discharge in a Supersonic Flow by Fitting the Configuration of an Anode under Conditions of Injection of Propane and Kerosene into the Discharge Zone
Results of gas-dynamic and spectroscopic studies of the possibility of a longitudinal discharge formation in a supersonic flow using an artificial zone of low pressure behind an anode under conditions of hydrocarbon fuel injection in the discharge region are presented. An absence of the connection of the combustion zone to the walls of combustion chamber is a feature of the investigated configuration of module. An advantage of this module is the creation of the stabilization effect of the combustion zone with simultaneous intensification of fuel mixing and plasma-chemical reactions due to the use of an incipient gas-dynamic peculiarity of the flow and a nonequilibrium electric discharge. Experiments are carried out at the Mach number $\mathrm{M} = 2$ and static pressure in the flow $\sim$$3.47 \times 10^4$~Pa ($260$~Torr) in a wind tunnel with a closed test section with a cross section of $120$ $\times$ $120$~mm$^2$. The discharge current is kept at a level of 1 A; the consumption of propane, used as a hydrocarbon fuel, is $1.2$~g/s; and the consumption of kerosene is $1.3$ g/s. A comparison between the intensity distributions of the radiation of incipient products of chemical reactions given different variants of fuel injection in the discharge zone is carried out.
Article reference:
Efimov B.G., Ivanov V.V., Inshakov S.I., Skvotsov V.V., Starodubtsev M.A. Investigation of Formation of a Spatial Position of Longitudinal Discharge in a Supersonic Flow by Fitting the Configuration of an Anode under Conditions of Injection of Propane and Kerosene into the Discharge Zone, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 4. P. 479
Efimov B.G., Ivanov V.V., Inshakov S.I., Skvotsov V.V., Starodubtsev M.A. Investigation of Formation of a Spatial Position of Longitudinal Discharge in a Supersonic Flow by Fitting the Configuration of an Anode under Conditions of Injection of Propane and Kerosene into the Discharge Zone, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 4. P. 479