Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2015. V. 53. № 6. P. 855–864
Molleson G.V., Stasenko A.L.
Electro-optical phenomena in a gas-dispersed jet flow around a solid body
In continuing studies [1–4] in which optics and electrification of particles colliding with a body around which a high-speed two-phase jet flows are considered, there was an attempt to explain the experimentally observed luminescence [5] of a conducting body, bombarded by microparticles, by the presence of a reverse unipolar current (from rebounded particles) exciting carrier-gas molecules. The process of charge acquisition by a particle in collision with a solid is complex: not only the value of the charge but even its sign are unknown in many cases [6]. A simple model is proposed for estimating the characteristic values of the reverse current density and the spatial distribution of the gas luminescence energy.
Article reference:
Molleson G.V., Stasenko A.L. Electro-optical phenomena in a gas-dispersed jet flow around a solid body, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 6. P. 855
Molleson G.V., Stasenko A.L. Electro-optical phenomena in a gas-dispersed jet flow around a solid body, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 6. P. 855