Plasma Investigations
2011. V. 49. № 5. P. 637–641
Fomin V.M., Postnikov B.V., Lomanovich K.A.
Effect of the Electric Discharge on Nonstationary Processes During Supersonic Air and Methane Jet Flow over a Flat Obstacle
The features of supersonic air and methane jet flows over a flat obstacle, accompanied by an electric discharge, were studied. The flow under consideration is characterized by a number of unsteady effects appearing as oscillations of shock-wave fronts with various amplitudes and frequencies depending on the nozzle–obstacle system configuration and jet gas-dynamic parameters. The oscillation frequency of the bow shock wave increases as the obstacle becomes closer to the nozzle edge and the relative obstacle diameter and the supersonic jet stagnation pressure increase. Initiation of the energy release region at the supersonic jet edge causes a change in the oscillation frequency of the bow shock wave; under certain conditions, it causes a change in the entire shock-wave flow pattern.
Article reference:
Fomin V.M., Postnikov B.V., Lomanovich K.A. Effect of the Electric Discharge on Nonstationary Processes During Supersonic Air and Methane Jet Flow over a Flat Obstacle, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 5. P. 637
Fomin V.M., Postnikov B.V., Lomanovich K.A. Effect of the Electric Discharge on Nonstationary Processes During Supersonic Air and Methane Jet Flow over a Flat Obstacle, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 5. P. 637