Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2011. V. 49. № 5. P. 685–689
Milyavskii V.V., Savinykh A.S., Akopov F.A., Borovkova L.B., Borodina T.I., Val'yano G.E., Ziborov V.S., Lukin E.S., Popova N.A.
A Ceramic Based on Partially Stabilized Zirconia: Synthesis, Structure, and Properties under Dynamic Load
A ceramic based on zirconia partially stabilized by yttrium oxide has been prepared. The main properties of the prepared ceramic have been characterized: density, ultimate strength under twisting, microhardness, elasticity coefficients, etc. The microstructure and phase composition of the ceramic and its phase transformations under mechanical action have been studied. The properties of the ceramics under dynamic load have been studied, and the values of the dynamic elastic limit and splitting strength have been obtained. The results have been compared with the literature data.
Article reference:
Milyavskii V.V., Savinykh A.S., Akopov F.A., Borovkova L.B., Borodina T.I., Val'yano G.E., Ziborov V.S., Lukin E.S., Popova N.A. A Ceramic Based on Partially Stabilized Zirconia: Synthesis, Structure, and Properties under Dynamic Load, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 5. P. 685
Milyavskii V.V., Savinykh A.S., Akopov F.A., Borovkova L.B., Borodina T.I., Val'yano G.E., Ziborov V.S., Lukin E.S., Popova N.A. A Ceramic Based on Partially Stabilized Zirconia: Synthesis, Structure, and Properties under Dynamic Load, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 5. P. 685